About Us
ISRM(Institute of Sexual and Reproductive Medicine) is a treatment and research center for sexual and infertility problems.In a time where the sexual problems are as common as the normal ailments,we aim to help the people who are suffering from the problems that they are shy to face and say.In ISRM we are specialized in Sexology as well as Infertility treatment.
We Counsel
- Pre-marital Counseling
- Relationship Problems
- Adolescent Issues
- Family Counselling
We Treat
- Erectile Dysfunctions
- Premature Ejaculation
- Sexual Problems(Male and Female)
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Non-Consummation
- Masturbation Problems
- Lack of Interest
- Sexual Weakness
- Penis Size Problems
- Relationship Problems
- Surgical Procedures we do
- Penile Prostheses
- Gridth and Length Enlargement
- Breast Augmentation
- Infertility
- IUI(Intra-Uterine Insemination)
- Menstrual Period Control
- PCOS (Poly cystic Ovarian syndrome
- Oligospermia
- Azoospermia
- Retrograde Ejaculation